We have been doing Classic Cars for many years. We have had the pleasure to sell to many Classic Car Enthusiasts Worldwide. We have a 100% rating on Ebay for selling Classic Cars SINCE 2001! That shows our integrity and willingness to have every experience be a good one. We are very involved in the Classic Car world and go around the auction circuit world wide searching the country for classics and have developed relationships to acquire quality cars for our buyers. We also offer quality professional representation for our classic car consignors and move our cars very quickly.
We Offer
Auction Services
Appraisal Services
Worldwide Shipping Services
Restoration Consultation
Estate Service
We sell to all types of people, celebrities, politicians, musicians but there is one common thread and that is the love for Classic Cars and Dee Coleman's (CEO) passion for Classic Cars. We look forward to discussing your Vintage car needs anytime.
Sold Inventory
A collection of cars we've worked with new owners to achieve their passion
2485 S El Camino Real
San Clemente, CA 92672
Facebook: Classic Auto Sales
Tel: (949) 395-5681
Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: By Appt.
Sunday: By Appt.